
Crowne Aire 1.5hp window type aircon with remote control


Crwone Aire CCR-35 window type room airconditioner with full wireless remote control, will cool an area of 18 to 27 square meters depending on room location,
number of persons, number of appliances and computers in the room, it comes with
an airswing, and digital room temperature indicator, easy to remove air filter for

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SKU: CCR-35 Category:

Crwone Aire CCR-35 window type room airconditioner with full wireless remote control, will cool an area of 18 to 27 square meters depending on room location,
number of persons, number of appliances and computers in the room, it comes with
an airswing, and digital room temperature indicator, easy to remove air filter for


  1. leestephanie

    Dimensions please.

    • cac

      Mr. Alex Go replied to your email.

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